With ‘Raghupathi Ragava Raja Ram’ playing in the background, the trainees at the Blind Relief Association took a walk to the nearby religious places of worship on the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Read More
Diwali Bazar 2019
With every year, the Diwali Bazar of the Association get's bigger and better. Take a look at this year's Diwali Bazar held from 18-24 October and what it stood out for. Read More
Wonder Woman of Candle - Unit
Watch Padma Porte, a Multi-Skill Trainee at the Blind Relief Association, Delhi pack candles quickly, neatly and firmly. She is a pro and outdoes everyone else, including sighted staff of the Candle Unit.
New Course & Fun Tasks
Computer Training & Office Management is a new six-month course introduced in the Blind Relief Association in August 2019. And in this year's Diwali Bazar, these trainees involved themselves in some interesting task.