Let it not be said of us that we had eyes yet failed to see,
More reasons to work
With 8 million visually impaired people, India is home to one-fourth of the blind population in the world
Opportunity to contribute
Not every economically marginalized visually impaired child gets an opportunity to be educated or employed
Give them more than sympathy
The visually impaired deserve the right kind of recognition and opportunity in an inclusive environment.
The Blind Relief Association, Delhi
is a premier non-governmental organization in the country
empowering the visually impaired for seventy-eight years.
It was the beginning of a new journey in my life when I joined JPM School as a eight-year old. I was supposed to do everything in a different environment, in a different way, with a new vision. In a true sense, that was the world of perfections which couldn’t be imagined even by a utopian.
Without any doubt one can say that this institution was a garden of happiness and grandeur which consisted of delicious food, caring staff, supportive and intelligent teachers, loving friends, dedicated volunteers and responsible administrators.
Today I have become a chandelier because of my record-breaking achievements in athletics but the truth cannot be denied that this chandelier is still hanging on a wall of the Blind relief Association.
Ankur Dhama, Arjuna Awardee 2018, Former student, JPM School -
If you fear to lose hope for mankind, visit the BRA where student enthusiasm is only matched by that of the staff. An inspiring and humbling experience. We first visited 20 years ago and were and are still overwhelmed. The students are everything to the staff. The BRA is determined to attempt the impossible, whether in the classroom or on the sports field – and it succeeds!
Stephen William, The MOC Charitable Foundation, U.K. -
I am a firm believer of giving back to the society and after visiting the Blind Relief Association, I am certain that it is a genuine organization committed towards helping blind children be independent. The standard maintained by the institute towards hygiene, nutrition, shelter and skill training is commendable. My brief visit and interaction with the staff including the senior most member Mr. Mohanan was sufficient to gather the sincerity with which the institute is working. I want to express my desire to keep contributing to the Association and would urge others to do the same as the Association is doing an applaudable job.
R. K. Anand, Former MP, Donor -
The name of the institution, the Blind Relief Association always brings a smile on my lips for it has been my second home for almost 41years! That’s a lifetime! The nostalgic memories take me back to the year 1962 when as a young girl I started working at Lal Kuan as one of the founder teachers. I feel proud to be associated with this organization which helps the differently abled lead a respectable life and get channelized into mainstream society. Our students have carved a niche for themselves in society and are doing great in various fields be it sports or academics. As teachers we feel proud of their achievements.
Chanderkanta Sharma, Former employee -
I, Abhishek Thakur currently work as Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work, University of Delhi. I’m an alumnus of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and the prestigious St. Stephens College, Delhi. I joined JPM Senior Secondary School run by Blind Relief Association in 1997. Coming from the roots of Madhya Pradesh from Seoni district, I got the lifelong learning opportunity at BRA. During my stay here, besides completing basic education, I developed several other skills such as reflexology, computer, participated in sports activities and also in the Republic Day parade in 1998. The disabled friendly infrastructure, positive and encouraging atmosphere including the teachers created the amicable surrounding for me to grow and develop my capabilities.
Abhishek Thakur, Former Student, JPM School -
It is always a pleasure to volunteer at the Blind Relief Association, Delhi. The sense of fulfilment is unexplainable. Apart from the regular support during Diwali festival, we’ve got opportunities to bring the walls to life. We painted couple of them – one outside the Gandhi Hall and other on the staircase towards office area. And we look forward to continuing this association to do much more meaningful work together.
Sony Rag, Mercer Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. -
In more than 50 years of experience, I had more than a homely feeling in this place. I was admitted in JPM Senior Secondary School as a student in 1968 and belonged to the second batch of students completing 10+2. After finishing a post-graduation in Music from the University of Delhi, I have been teaching music to the students of JPM, and I still enjoy doing it as the Vice-Principal. Whatever I am today is because of this institution.
Keshav Kumar, Vice Principal, JPM Senior Secondary School -
My journey in Blind Relief Association JPM School for the Blind was unprecedented. Belonging to a middle-class family, my father’s dream was to give me better education. I spent my whole childhood in a special atmosphere, cared by JPM’s staff and my respected teachers. The facilities which were provided there were second to none, food, boarding lodgings, time-to-time excursion tours, emphasis on co-curricular activities as well as sports shaped my future. Whatever today I am, it is due to dedication, knowledge, patience and extraordinary way of teaching by my all teachers.
Harish Kumar Gulati , Former Student, JPM School -
It’s an honour to be associated with The Blind Relief Association, Delhi for the last 25 years or so. It has been a very fulfilling experience for me in every way. I look forward to be there for the text books recording & feel hugely satisfied to think that my voice is a source of help to the visually impaired students. The recording department is fully equipped with modern gadgets & the in charge concerned Mr.Sunil Dutt knows his job well & is very helpful. As a volunteer I would recommend to many to give their time & help to this organisation.
Harsh Prabha Mehta, Volunteer -
I have been very fortunate to serve the Blind Relief Association Delhi for a little over three decades. With hardly any experience of working with the blind, I found it a daunting task initially. But through the guidance of Late Shri.K.N.Nayar, our illustrious first Honorable Executive Secretary I quickly found my way. There was no looking back after this, as I applied myself wholeheartedly to the job. It was a matter of great pride and satisfaction. The Blind Relief Association with its committed band of workers has continued to grow and today ranks among the top 3 such institutions.
Capt. C. V. Narayanan, Former Executive Secretary -
The Blind Relief Association is not just an institution to me, it’s a family. The Association creates an environment which inculcates moral values and manners and makes us responsible. The reality is that it is from the Association that we received our values which is sometimes not possible even from one’s own families. The teachers of JPM School possess graceful personalities and they encouraged us to compete confidently with the general public. Thanks to the atmosphere of mutual respect, friendship, goodwill that even today my best friends were the ones I had in my school days. As the Association continues in the path of development, we continue to feel proud of the institution.
Dayal Singh, Former Student, JPM School -
Almost 20 years ago, at the beginning of the new millennium I wandered into the hallowed turf of the Blind Relief Association. And I’ve never really left. I’ve been a part of many other social organizations but none can match the positivity and kindness of B.R.A. This is a magical wonderland created by a group of right-minded and selfless people, and amazing high-achieving children. The positivity that pervades every corner of the compound has to be seen to be believed.
I’m privileged to have been given the opportunity to be a part of this family of achievers.
Urvashi Aggarwal , Volunteer