New Beginnings with 3D Printers
An innovative technology that can make the education of the visually impaired more fun and interesting made its way to...
An innovative technology that can make the education of the visually impaired more fun and interesting made its way to...
वसंत ऋतु के शुभागमन की सूचक वसंत पंचमी के अवसर पर रविवार १० फरवरी को JPM स्कूल के छात्रों द्वारा...
Challenges and experiments. Complications and trials. The hard works of special educators in the country revolve around much more than...
Coming together has been a frequent occurrence for the Blind Relief Association which believes in the power of community and...
On a greeny hillock, stood the Charkha clad in a white piece of cloth. Facing the Charkha stood a gathering...
In 1955, the Blind Relief Association had a visitor from Alabama, who laid the foundation stone of the Association's building....
The winter could be long, but plentiful is the harvest it brings. The winter could be icy, but greater is...
Unless a bird has seen the sky and a ship has touched the ocean, it never gets an opportunity to...
‘Konnichiwa’ was the Japanese greeting that could be heard in every room and corridor of the Blind Relief Association on...
The World Braille Day was commemorated at the Blind Relief Association, Delhi on 4 January. Mr. P.D. Sharma, former Principal...
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