Five ex-students of JPM give JLPT
Thanks to the enthusiasm of two ex-students of JPM Senior Secondary School: Ramdas Shivhare and Deepak Gupta, wishing to continue studying Japanese, the Sawaru Nihongo (Touch Japanese) Group emerged in 2019. The group now comprises school students and ex-students who are bankers, researches and college students. Five such students gave their Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) on 7 July this year. Deepak Gupta and Ramdas Shivhare appeared for N4 level while the other three, Sameer Khan, Gaurav Kumar, and Mohit Pandey appeared for the N5 level.
The Japanese classes were first organized for the students of the Association in 2012 with the help of volunteer teachers. Since 2014, Mrs. Itsuko Nandi, a veteran Japanese language teacher assisted by Japanese volunteers have been teaching the students .
The Sawaru Nihongo Group had five stunning volunteers who tirelessly, willfully and lovingly helped the boys prepare for the JLPT. The Blind Relief Association, Delhi likes to thank Ms. Himani, Ms. Naomi Frump, Mr. Yogesh Dayal, Ms. Anupreet Kaur and Ms. Uehara Yuuga.